Hi all -
As a follow up to the email sent on Friday from Human Resources, I wanted to provide additional information for requesting parking validation in our division. Due to the size of Operations, we are outlining the following process for requesting validation when you are in the office. This process will allow those who can validate parking to carry out other duties while also accommodating the validation needs for the team.
* Email Kathy (kjones@northcarolina.edumailto:kjones@northcarolina.edu), Kearara (kjbethea@northcarolina.edumailto:kjbethea@northcarolina.edu ), and Tami (tlchargois@northcarolina.edumailto:tlchargois@northcarolina.edu) for validation as soon as you arrive to the office. Email all three in a group email to allow for the quickest turnaround time. Please do not just drop in with a parking ticket for validation or leave the physical ticket for later pick-up. * You can provide either a picture of the ticket or the last six digits of the string of numbers listed under the barcode as illustrated below. * Kathy, Kearara, or Tami will respond to you email once your parking has been validated.
If you take your car out for lunch, please remember to submit your second ticket ASAP using the same process.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you, Shannon